Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a Day.... What a change...

First ALS Clinic appointment today...

1st met with the neurologist. No big change there - she wrote an order to get a handicapped sticker - so our parking spots got better

Jim' lung function is good and he hasn't lost any weight (actually up from this time last year) - yet he lost 2" in his waist - had to buy him new jeans for Christmas.

His right side is weaker then left but overall strength is good.

2nd - met with social worker - nothing exciting there

3rd - speech pathologist & nutritionist - alls good there. Swallowing function good.

4th - Occupational therapist - spasicity has increased in legs so they increased meds for that (maybe now he will stop kicing me in his sleep) He has a mild "drop foot" bilaterally. Definate gait issues (which we new) - "assigned" stretching exercises to help keep flexibility (especially in legs.) Limited range of motion - especially in feet & legs. should be able to flex foot 20 degrees - only gets 10 on left and 5-6 on right.

5th (and final) - occupational therapist - same, right side worse then left. Delayed reaction/processing time (you can almost see him "think" abou things).

Big decision here - NO MORE DRIVING! Wasn't prepared for that one. Both mom & I thought he was doing so well the last couple weeks - built up a little denial - torn bac down.

Next ALS Clinic is in 6 months.