HO HO HO - Well another Christmas has come and gone and New Year is just days away. So - How did they day go with Jim? Overall very good.
I worked so eventhough Santa came to our house the girls spent the night at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I got off work and picked Mikayla and Ruthie up on the way home. It took the girls and I a couple of attempts to wake Jim up and get him downstairs. The strangest part was Jim kept getting up and walking away while we were opening gifts. It took us about a half hour just to get him to sit and start opening his gifts. Then mid opening he'd get up and wonder off. Not sure what that was about. I did get a few "real" smiles from him when he opened his talking Achmed (the Dead Terrorist/ Jeff Dunham) doll and his inflatable leg lamp decoration.
Christmas was a joy this year because 2 years ago I was scared Jim wouldn't be here - now I can't imagine him not here. Part of the reason for this blog is to tell you how he really is SO - Gone are the Christmas carols, he no longer sings at all. One of Jim's favorite parts of Christmas is decorating - especially his Hallmark tree. He really struggled to "fluff" the branches and hang the ornaments.
Jim has really slowed down the last couple months. So much so my 4-yr-old niece Kaylee asked me "Aunt Shelley was does Uncle Jim move so slow?" Jeannie says she really notices it too since she is not here day to day. I notice it too especially since he needs help dressing almost daily now. He also is no longer able to cut his own food, or do his own buttons. He got all new jeans this Christmas - mostly since he lost about 15 pounds, but also because he has problem with the buttons. I had to get him jeans with bigger buttons and cut the holes bigger.
I think that about covers it! Hope everyone's Christmas was great and New Years is terrific!
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