Wow! What a whirlwind!
Christmas has flown by and New Year's is just a couple days
away! The girls of course asked Santa for EVERYTHING and thanks to more then a couple of angels (the ALS type included) they got that and then some.
Christmas Eve we were shocked when Santa showed up with about 30 people delivering everything from bikes and toys to food and toilet paper. The Brunswick Eagles - a group mom has been involved with up until last Christmas apparently visited us on a suggestion of a fellow PTA mom. Our house is so full of boxes from them you would swear we're moving.
It had also been nice since Jeannie and family are in town. All the girls got together last week to make Christmas cookies. Seeing as how are for bakers were 6, 3, 3 and 1 it actually went quite well. We had dozens of cookies for Santa.
New Year's Eve we will be hosting a sleep over with Kaylee and Gavin. I am actually kinda excited.
Lastly, as I am updating this we are sitting in ER waiting for Jim to be seen. He has been very light headed lately. For awhile we thought one of his meds was causing his blood pressure to drop. We have cut that medication down to the minimum. Anyhow, today Jim nearly passed out while getting his teeth cleaned. After calls to a couple of his doctors here we sit.
Whether this is related or not - Jim also had a fall last night. Nothing serious but shocking. He said he tripped over the dog but they were by me and not near him. I only kinda saw what happened but it looked almost like he tried to sit on, an imaginary chair and just fell back. Is this his first ALS related fall? I guess only time will tell.
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