December 2012
HO…HO…HO…Merry Christmas! Doesn’t it seem too early to be saying that?
Like every year 2012 has been a busy one for the Metz Family! Though we didn’t have any big adventures we took many short excursions throughout the year. We filled our summer months with a stay-cation in our back yard pool – it really made those ninety-plus degree days fly right by! (And also really helped on the days the air conditioning was broken!)
In June we celebrated my niece Pam’s wedding and in September we took a mini-vacation to see my sister Jeannie and family in Washington, DC. We were lucky enough to visit during my niece’s birthday party and had a relaxing weekend away. On the way down we stopped in Bedford, PA to see the Espy House. Now a candy/gift shop, the house was built in 1771 by my 8th great Uncle and was used by George Washington as headquarters in the Whiskey Rebellion. Rumor is that President Washington even ate Thanksgiving dinner in the house!
In theme with our stay-cation the girls discovered a new love for drive-in movie theatres. We also visited local attractions such as Swings-N-Things and Cedar Point. Talk about a difference in a year. Last year we did four days in ninety-plus degree heat at an amusement park – this year we barely got through one! Days like this can take their toll on Jim – last year he barely rode his scooter on our trip and this year that was his main ride.
All-in-all Jim is doing pretty well. In July we celebrated (?) the three year anniversary of his diagnosis with frontaltemporal dementia and December marks three years since he was diagnosed with ALS. Jim continues to beat the odds thanks to the ongoing prayers and support of family, friends and strangers!
At Jim’s most recent FTD neurologist visit his doctor had to alter the “usual” mental exam Jim is given. It seems Jim has taken that form of the test so many times he has started to memorize the answers. (That was something I learned – with dementia memorization is possible while an Alzheimer’s patient never learns the responses.) Therefore, from now on his doctor will be using different forms of the exam to prevent this. His next follow-up with both neurologists is in January and I will keep everyone posted on his blog. (
In August, Jim received a lift recliner thanks to the coordination efforts made by the ALS Association. It has really helped with his mobility around the house. The only bad thing about it is trying to convince the kids that it is not an amusement park ride!
In September Team Shaggy walked in the ALSA’s Walk to Defeat ALS. Once again we were excited to help out with raising funds and awareness for local ALS patients.
The girls are growing fast. Mikayla made her first communion in May. She is now in the third grade and is active in Science Club, Walking Club and Girl Scouts. She says Walking Club relaxes her every day before school and she loves the social time Girl Scouts gives her. Her favorite subjects are still History and Science. She also enjoyed playing softball this summer.
Ruthie “graduated” preschool and started full-day Kindergarten this year! She is making lots of friends in class and in Walking Club. Her favorite subject is “everything” and she often comes home and “teaches” us, the dogs and her dolls what she learned that day. She also played t-ball this year.
Big sister has taken Ruthie under her wing and prides herself in showing Ruthie the ins and outs of the elementary school. Ruthie also joined Girl Scouts this year – cookie sales are right around the corner so don’t be afraid to contact us! (Hint, hint, hint.)
As for me, I accomplished passing my OB/GYN certification and my earned my vascular technology credentials this year which makes me RDMS (registered diagnostic medical sonographer) and a RVT (registered vascular technician.) I also completed my fifth year as a weekender at Hillcrest Hospital. I fill my weeks caring for my family and work what is considered full-time on the weekends from seven pm to seven-thirty am. I can hardly believe it has been almost ten years since I have changed careers! Sometimes it seems like yesterday and other times it seems like decades ago!
On a side note, keeping up with the trend (and dodging political phone calls) has led us to ditch our land line. Therefore, our home phone number is no longer in service. You can reach us at the phone numbers below, by email or on Facebook.
As always, we thank you for your continued support and prayers and hope you know each of you are in our thoughts and prayers. May the New Year bring you health and happiness. God Bless.
Love Always,
(Jim and the Kids too!)