I am in the process of getting the flyers out for this weekends sale - it has snuck up on me as everything seems to now a days! The Big Red Wagon kid's resale will donate 10% of all purchases to ALSA when the flyer is presented. Can't make it Friday the 19th to Medina?? Don't worry there is one coming up in May at Cuyahoga Fair Grounds. For those of you who have not been to a Red Wagon sale - come see what your missing!! Sellers tag their own stuff and drop it off - it is then organized by gender and size (clothes) and catergory (some clothes - like swimwear and toys, books, etc.) It is like a department store!
I realized I haven't posted in awhile. In a word - BUSY. We are learning to control Jim's pain levels proactively. If we know he is going to be busy he premedicates with pain meds (especially physical activity or lots of walking.) He went to the auto show with Chad and Charlie last week and did fine - even thought to bring an extra pain pill just in case.
We went snowtubing last week also. He made it about 2 1/2 hours before calling it quits - then he and Ruthie hung out by the bonfire (Ruthie was dancing the night away to the DJ - too funny. Mikayla was little Miss Daredevil going down the chutes.
We have gotten his night tremors pretty much under control. However, if he misses his night time dose I notice. I on the other hand still am unable to sleep - and if I do not well. My doctor is scheduling a sleep study to see if it is me. We know Jim has sleeping issues - but he sleeps through them. I often wonder if he is keeping me from sleeping. Not sure, hope the test will shed some light.
As most of you know, Dad had his hip replacement 2/17 - he is doing great! He is close to being discharged by PT because he is doing SO WELL. I have to admit - I expected the worse!
We are still adjusting to Jim not driving. The little things are what drive us crazy. His biggest complaint - no more McDonald's trips on Mondays (he takes the kids so I can sleep after working the night shift.) Thankfully, Aunt Mary has offered to take them on Mondays. He is happy, the kids get out and I get to sleep - it is a win, win, win situation.
There are little things here and there that have changed. Again he has good days and he has bad days. (It seems like one day dementia symptoms are worse and the next ALS symptoms.) There are still some days I can live in denial and believe this is all a mistake - then I look back. Yes, day to day things haven't changed but what big changes from 6 months ago!
Hope all is well - thanks for thinking of us.